9th – 13th October 2023
From 5:00pm – 7:00pm BST/UTC+1 for each session.
Around 1/4 of all people worldwide live in countries affected by conflict.
With this in mind, it’s time we started investing more in peacebuilding.
Qualities and Strategies of Peacemakers (QSP-online) is a course of five short modules, each based on a film about outstanding peacemakers and acts as an introduction to an approach to peacemaking that was developed by Frank Buchman, the founder of what is today known as Initiatives of Change. To unpack these various approaches, the five films below have been selected. Those which have trailers available have been linked.
A film about Frank Buchman himself. The facilitated analysis focuses on the principal phases in his life, from founding a hostel for street kids in the early 1900s; to creating an international network for moral and spiritual renewal; to contributing to reconciliation between France and Germany, as well as between Japan and the Philippines after the Second World War, for which he was decorated by their respective governments.
‘For the Love of Tomorrow’
Set in the international context, it takes a particular example of Buchman’s approach, which took place in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. The analysis after the film focuses on the roles of four people including Buchman, who worked together to help an embittered French politician become a significant agent for post-war reconciliation with the Germans.
Set in a community in northern Nigeria divided by religious conflict, this film shows how a change of heart in individuals led to initiatives which had a far wider impact. It relates how two former rival militia leaders came together to train imams and pastors to mediate in flash points across the country and beyond. The analysis focuses on how the two men reconciled, and what the strategies they used in helping to bring about reconciliation in two key towns.
Sequel to the previous film, it focuses on healing ethnic conflict. ‘Here we see the imam and the pastor in Kenya after serious post-election violence in 2007-8, applying the mediation approach that they developed in Nigeria. After the film, participants will analyse the mediation process step by step.
In the period after the end of Apartheid and the multi-party elections, the South African Defence Force killed a group of black youths. A black guerrilla commander ordered a revenge shooting in which a white girl died. Some years later, the girl’s mother finds an opportunity to confront the guerrilla commander, and they speak of the painful realisations for both of them as they begin to journey together. The analysis will focus on the steps each took on that journey, and what they did together as a result.
The films show examples of reconciliation after conflict in a variety of contexts: inter-national, inter-religious, inter-ethnic and post-colonial. After an introduction and viewing of the film, participants take part in an interactive analysis facilitated by Dr Omnia Marzouk and/or Peter Riddell (see bios below). The main aim of the course is to absorb as much wisdom as possible about the healing of broken relationships from these remarkable stories, and to reflect on our own peacemaking.
Additional Information
On the morning of each module, you will receive direct links to the Zoom meeting, the film itself, and note sheets designed for your personal use while watching the film.
To enhance the course’s effectiveness, your feedback is invaluable. Following the final module, we kindly request you to complete an online evaluation form for our internal improvement efforts. With your permission, we may use some of your insightful quotes for publicity purposes, highlighting the impact of our program.
Upon attending all modules and submitting the evaluation form, you’ll be awarded a well-deserved Certificate of Completion. If life’s demands make you miss a module or two – you’re welcome to participate in a future course to catch up and still be eligible for the certificate.
We highly value individual preferences and circumstances. While we understand that some participants might prefer not to appear on video or might have bandwidth constraints, we encourage you to consider keeping your video on as it enhances the interactive experience and fosters meaningful connections among participants.
QSP is for anyone over the age of 18, in particular those who want to respond to past or present instability in their countries. Click here for a time-zone converter to see what time the course will be running from where you are. It aims to enrich their understanding of peace-making and stimulate new ideas for ways forward.
QSP is free of charge, but voluntary donations to extend the programme are appreciated.