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Dr. Lul Seyoum

Dr. Lul Seyoum is the Executive director of International Centre for Eritrean Refugees and Asylum Seekers – ICERAS, Co-Director and Co-Chair of United Against Inhumanity. Her goal is to contribute to the building of a better world by working to have positive impact on societies, emerging leaders and the underrepresented.

Dr. Seyoum’s passion for sustainable human rights drives her to engage in fighting persecution, injustice and abuse that is tearing the fabric of society. She consistently raises awareness of the causes surrounding forced mass migrations. Her efforts have been focused on the plight of refugees in their exodus from their country of origin and transit. In her effort to do so she consults with members of Parliament, policymakers, and organisations including UNHCR, International Organisation for Migration, Medicines Sans Frontiers, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Migrant Voice Network.