October Business Circle – Advanced Conscious Leadership

October Business Circle – Advanced Conscious Leadership

20th October 2022, 4:00pm to 5:30pm BST

Facilitated by Anton Smith, this series of Business Circles will centre around Leadership Values with reference to the Initiatives of Change’s Core Values identified below.

The question will be how Leaders can incorporate these values into their organisations. Of course, all 6 Values are interrelated – we can’t have Honesty without Trust Building but within each topic there are distinct aspects that matter.


Business Circle 2 – UNSELFISHNESS. 

For this session we’ll be considering aspects of Unselfishness. What do we mean by this in the context of Leadership?

If we define Selfishness in Leadership as promotion of oneself, having one’s own personal agenda, using power at the expense of others (and the organisation), unwillingness to listen, unwilling to accept criticism, greed and any other behaviours that can best be described as self-centered/narcissistic, we can say that Unselfishness consists of all the opposites to these undesirable traits.

Unselfish Leaders are not concerned with their self-aggrandisement but with the development of their people and therefore the organisation. The Unselfish Leader will give time and consideration to all aspects of decision-making and treatment of people, be generous of spirit, emotionally aware and treat all with unconditional positive regard.

Spaces are LIMITED for this session; first come, first served. Please note that all sessions are held on Zoom – we advise that you ensure your Zoom application, whether on desktop, browser, or mobile device, is the most current version. Please see Zoom Updates for more details.

This event is for anyone who’d like to share their experiences of Leadership, whether as a Leader, a Leadership Trainer or as one who has observations to make of their Leaders.

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