
Volunteers needed for the ‘For a New World’ site
For a New World is a multi-lingual resource for info on our Organisation’s movement, history and stories of change. The team are looking for volunteers to help proofread, check sound quality, upload materials and more. Contact the team if you’d like to support.

with our guests from
Hong Kong
Su Riddell, Oxford: “Our outing with our guests enabled us to continue building trust. We are gaining a deeper understanding of factors that have driven many to move their families suddenly to the UK, and challenges they face here. In return, we can share things we enjoy about the British summer.”

Effective ways you can respond to the war on Ukraine
You can give to people you know here or via PayPal to Ira Braggins: mushkina@gmail.com, or by helping families relocate with help of friends like Bhav Patel & CJ Foster, initiating cultural events for settling Ukrainian refugees and through other initiatives via Foundations for Freedom.
We source newsletter content from our teams and community members. Have something to share? Email us at comms.uk@iofc.org.
RRB Curriculum Launch – 16th July
1:30pm – 3:30pm BST; Online Event
On 16th July, the RRB team will be launching the first full iteration of its curriculum for training refugees through an online event via Zoom. This event is open to refugees and anyone supporting refugees. It will include a free buffet lunch and detailed explanation of the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced programme levels. Register here. Please share with your network.
Other RRB news: Monday 20th June was World Refugee Day. A collaborative event with St Ethelburga’s was the perfect setting for guests to discuss resilience and adaptation for future climate created refugees. The RRB Team also held its first art exhibition at Greencoat Place, displaying artwork produced by 12 RRB Alumni members during a Hope in the Heart workshop. Read more.
Upcoming events – 19th July and 28th July
Both online via Zoom
The next WIL Roundtable, ‘The Overwhelm Trap’, will take place on 19th July with certified coach, Kim Nicol. Register here. The final ACL Business Circle of this series will take place on 28th July, focused on ‘Facilitating Conflict Resolution’. Register here. The B&E programme will break during August, with activities restarting in September.
Other B&E news: On 23rd June, Anton Smith held a Business Circle focused on ‘Transactional Aspects of Communication’. On 24th June, Simone Müller held a Women in Leadership Roundtable with certified coach and mentor, Ann Hunter. The focus was ‘Psychological safety from a female perspective.’ Contact Simone for more info.
President’s Lunch – 30th July
In-person: 11am – 3.30pm BST (10.30am arrivals)
Online via Zoom: 11am – 12.00pm BST
On 30th July, it’s International Friendship Day and CoP UK will be holding the President’s Lunch with COP outgoing President, Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye, at Greencoat Place to celebrate the ‘human spirit of friendship’ through discussion and craft. Register here.
Other COP news: On 13th – 16th May, Elizabeth, Miranda, Julie and Omnia trained 8 new CoP facilitators at the Guerrand-Hermes Foundation for Peace in Brighton. On 11th June CoP UK and IofC Oxford hosted an away day for staff and friends for the first time since the pandemic. On 30th June – 3rd July, Miranda and two new facilitators held an in-person Peace Circle at Norham Road. This was second stage training for our new facilitators.
Party in the Park – 30th July
Penn Road Garden, Islington, London: 2pm – 5pm BST
On 30th July, for International Friendship Day, the team will be hosting a ‘party in the park’ with activities and speakers. Register here. In August, the team will be hosting an intergenerational dialogue training in Hackney town hall in partnership with Brunel University Global Challenges students. Email Amina for more info.
Other Suscomms news: On 9th June, to contribute to the wider migration debate, Amina Khalid facilitated dialogue with over 40 religious leaders, representatives of refugee aid organisations and policymakers in Stockholm ahead of European Policy Dialogue Forum to discuss challenges and opportunities for the social inclusion of refugees and migrants in Europe’s cities. On 25th June, in celebration of World Refugee Day, the Sustainable Communities team bought together community members in Islington’s Penn Road Garden to celebrate. Read more.
Agenda for Reconciliation
Upcoming events – August and October
Both online via Zoom
Our next Qualities and Strategies of Peacemakers (QSP) online short course will take place 1st – 5th August 2022. Register here and share with your network. On 1st October and 8th October, we will be hosting a Peacebuilding and Trauma Awareness short course with Professor Barry Hart, pioneer in Trauma, Identity and Conflict Studies. The course will comprise two 3-hour online workshops Part 1 and Part 2. Register here and share with your network.
Other AfR news: The recordings (video & audio) of the recent QSP-live event with South African former freedom fighter Letlapa Mphahlele, who featured in the film ‘Beyond Forgiving’, are now available.
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